Only Real - Cinnamon toast (2012)
Only Real è il giovanissimo londinese (West London) Niall Galvin.
Essentials: Soundcloud, Facebook, Tumblr.
Rangleklods's work was initially sketched out in home country Denmark, but became greatly colored by moving to Berlin in early 2010, where routines were forgotten and the vast and eclectic scene sought out. Rangleklods's sound consists of recorded instruments and analogue gear alongside purely digital and intensely programmed patterns intertwining into audioscapes ranging from minimal to 'Wall of Sound'. Both in that regard and composition-wise Rangleklods points just as much backwards towards Pet Sounds and Doors as it does forwards, animated by ie. James Holden and The Field.
"We wanted to capture the look and feel of the videos we grew up loving, Vids by directors like David Marky (1991, The Year Punk Broke, Fuzz gun '91) and Kevin Kerslake ('Sliver'). We loved the relaxed playful lo-fi feel of spots, and wanted to evoke the same love in a newer audience. Its also very relevant to the over all sound and feel of the track. However, we didn't want to simply wallow in our own selfish nostalgia, we also wanted to create something playful and interactive to run parallel to the linear video. So we arrived at the idea of creating an interactive fact driven video. Drawing heavily from the late 90s, and now revived VH1 show pop up video, alongside the inane facts that Smash Hits magazine would publish, we created a series of increasingly obscure 'fact bubbles'. When clicked they take you to very silly, some very long, and VERY pointless video relating to the fact."