Horrid Red - Nightly Wreaths (Suite)
Horrid Red is an offshoot of Teenage Panzerkorps, consisting of Bunker Wolf, Edmund Xavier, and Catholic Pat & Clay Ruby (Burial Hex). Horrid Red explore the dusty corners of dark post-punk music with existential frontman Bunker Wolf up front, in the spotlight.
Waking up only for a few minutes
waking up once in a million years
only to make sure to carry on
sleeping for another million years
sometimes I feel the beauty of things
inside them and only for them alone
but mostly, all the things seem so small
what an amassement of tiny, little things
and only believing in this
I feel the grandeur and perfection
of waterfalls, rocks, alps and caves.
Da NIGHTLY WREATHS (9/10/2012 Terrible Records)
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