lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

[Video] Cloud Nothings / No Future No Past

Cloud Nothings - No Future No Past (2012)

Diretto da John Ryan Manning
Da ATTACK ON MEMORY (2012 Carpark Records)

[Video] [Indie for dummies] Hooded Fang / Vacationation

Hooded Fang - Vacationation (2012)

Da TOSTA MISTA (Esce marzo 2012 per Full Time Hobby)

Essentials: Facebook, WWW, MySpace, Twitter, Bandcamp.

[Video] [Veterani] Nada Surf / When I was young

Nada Surf - When I was young (2012)


[CDG] Young Empires / Enter through the sun

Toronto-based quartet Young Empires has kicked off a run of North American tour dates behind their forthcoming debut EP, Wake All My Youth, set for a February 21 release. After several stand-out sets at last year’s M for Montreal Festival, SXSW, CMW, and the Juno Awards, the group will perform down the East Coast, returning to Austin for another year at SXSW. [#]

venerdì 27 gennaio 2012

[Video] White Rabbits / Heavy metal

White Rabbits - Heavy metal (2012)

Diretto da Andrew Droz Palermo
Da MILK FAMOUS (esce il 6/3 per TBD Records)

[Video] Ex-Otago / Figli degli Hamburger

Ex-Otago - Figli degli hamburger (2012)

Diretto da Cosimo Bruzzese (Zurb)
Da MEZZE STAGIONI (2011 Azionariato Popolare/Venus)

giovedì 26 gennaio 2012

[Video] I Cani / Le velleità

I Cani - Le velleità (2011)

I nati nell'ottantanove hanno reflex digitali e mettono su flickr belle foto in bianco e nero. I nati nel sessantanove fanno i camerieri al centro e scrivono racconti, ne hanno pubblicati due. Le velleità ti aiutano a dormire quando i soldi sono troppi o troppo pochi e non sei davvero ricco, né povero davvero, nel posto letto che non paghi per intero. I nati nel settantanove suonano in almeno due o tre gruppi e fanno musica datata. I nati nel cinquantanove tengono corsi di teatro e quando va bene si rimorchiano le allieve. Le velleità ti aiutano a scopare quando i soldi sono troppi o troppo pochi e non sei davvero ricco, né povero davvero, nel posto letto che non paghi per intero. I critici musicali ora hanno il blog. Gli artisti in circolo al Circolo degli Artisti. I falsi nerd con gli occhiali da nerd. I radical chic senza radical. Nichilisti col cocktail in mano che sognano di essere famosi come Vasco Brondi, che appoggiato sul muro parla con la ragazza di qualcuno. Anoressiche alla moda, anoressiche fuori moda, bulimiche si occupano di moda. Mentre aspiranti DJ aspirano coca aspiranti attrici sospirano languide con gli autori tv, gli stagisti alla Fox, i registi di clip. I falliti, i delusi, i depressi, i frustrati. Gli emo riciclati. I gruppi hipster, indie, hardcore, punk, electro-pop. I Cani. I gruppi hipster, indie, hardcore, punk, electro-pop. I Cani. I gruppi hipster, indie, hardcore. Le velleità ti aiutano a campare quando mancano sei giorni all'analista ed è tutto così facile, o così difficile, nell'altro divanetto che non paghi per intero.

Diretto da Dandaddy

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012

[CDG] Cinemascopes / Small Blue Waves

SMALL BLUE WAVES singolo (15/1/2012)

lunedì 23 gennaio 2012

[CDG] Drink to me / Henry Miller

Drink to me - Henry Miller (2012)

Everyone I love won't live forever / science is right, but it's hard, and I don't feel that good / creatures of the universe where are you? / I can hear your thoughts all at once / / an eagle spreads its wings / while a goldfish drowns / / earthquake, fire and flood / will we be able to build a house on the top of that volcano? come on, I want you to… / / everyone I love is feeling quite strange / seems like it's snowing in the middle of the desert / everyone I love is getting older / science is right but I, I've missed the point / I've missed the point / / everything I told you / everytime we did it / always out of danger / always almost over / / everyone I love won't live forever / science is right, but it's hard, it doesn't sound cool / creatures of the universe where are you? / I can hear your thoughts all at once / / an eagle spreads its wings / while a goldfish drowns / / earthquake, fire and flood / will we be able to build a house on the top of that volcano? come on, I want you to tell me which is the secret that makes you happy / what kind of thoughts makes you laugh, yeah / tell me what is the name of this warm wind / oh, God! why am I feeling much better? / / it happens when you hear them talking / but you cannot get a word / and then you realize that Europe is a big amusement park / it happens when a teenager slips inside a secret hidden room / you are the giant who destroys the afterlife using his hands / / and if they bring us bad news / then we will laugh at them forever / and if they ask you what it is all about / just say you don't know it / / it happens when you dream one thousand million years then you fall asleep / you are the giant who destroys the afterlife using his head / / and you will bring us good news / and we'll talk about it forever / and if they ask you what it is all about / just say it's a secret / cause this is a secret / it's our secret / it's just a secret / this / is our secret / this / is just a secret / / 

Da S (esce il 9/3 per Unhip)

venerdì 20 gennaio 2012

[CDG] Trust / Sulk

Trust - Sulk (2012)

Da TRST (esce il 28/2 per Arts & Crafts)

[Video] Django Django / Default

Django Django - Default (2012)

Inventive pop adventurers Django Django unveil their hand-painted, stop-motion animation for infectious upcoming single "Default." Embracing a haphazard aesthetic paying homage to the band's roots at art school in Edinburgh, director Dan Brereton printed out each of the 4,000-plus frames of footage of the group performing, giving drummer, producer and de facto leader David Maclean the task of quickly painting across them as they were re-shot for the animation. “I always wanted to make a music video using colors, collage and my background in painting," explains Maclean. "The song just seemed to be the right one for that." Since surfacing three years ago, the band, completed by singer and guitarist Vincent Neff, bassist Jimmy Dixon and synth operator Tommy Grace, have perfected their polyrhythmic and psychedelically tinged sound, recording their self-titled debut LP, released at the end of the month, entirely in Maclean's bedroom with a mic, a broken snare drum and antiquated synth. Channeling a madcap aesthetic that recalls the quintessentially English daftness of comic troupes The Mighty Boosh and Monty Python, the quartet perform live in tunics, safari gear, or homemade masking tape jumpsuits amid stage sets created by London artist Kim Coleman. Says Maclean: "Whether it's album sleeves, record covers or our costumes, it adds another layer to the music." [#]

Da DJANGO DJANGO (esce il 30/1 per Because)

mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012

[Video] [CDG] [Indie for dummies] Black Marble / Pretender

Black Marble - Pretender (2012)

Black Marble è un duo di Brooklyn. Pretender è tratta dal loro EP di debutto Weight against the door (esce il 17/1 per Hardly Art).

Essentials: WWW, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Facebook.

[Cover] Real Estate / Sunlight bathed the golden glow (Felt cover)

Real Estate - Sunlight Bathed The Golden Glow (Felt cover) (2011)

You're trying to fool somebody, but you end up fooling yourself

You read from the "book of the dead"* but you don't know what is about
I listened to you now maybe you'll listen to me

You're trying much to hard to make you're world seem like a dream

You're steping out of something
Yeah, You're steping out of line
Stop making a movie of it
Oh it's just my style
Stop sitting around and thinking
You're gonna do no good
I tought you're poetry was sometimes good

You're steping out of something
Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow
Stop making a movie of it
Stop tellin the things I know
Stop sitting around and thinking
You're gonna do no good
I tought you're poetry was sometimes good


martedì 17 gennaio 2012

[CDG] Lower Dens / Brains

Lower Dens - Brains (2012)

Dal secondo album della band di Baltimora, Nootropics, in uscita il 30/4 per Ribbon Music.

domenica 15 gennaio 2012

[Video] Simmetry / Over the edge

Simmetry - Over the edge (2012)

Directed by Alberto Rossini, here’s a nice driving video for “Over The Edge”. This track is taken from Johnny Jewel’s and Nat Walker’s (of Chromatics and Desire) “Symmetry – Themes For An Imaginary Film” project. It features 37-tracks of “claustrophobic cinematic bliss” and it was released back in December via Italians Do It Better. “Symmetry” isn’t Jewel’s score for Nicolas Refn’s latest film “Drive”. In case you haven’t heard it yet, stream the entire release here and drive through the night. Excellent release. [#]

sabato 14 gennaio 2012

venerdì 13 gennaio 2012

[CDG] Whales in Cubicles / Golden Metal

Da WE NEVER WIN (2011?)

[Indie for dummies] Only Real / New gold

Only Real - New gold (2012)

Essentials: Facebook, Soundcloud, YouTube.

martedì 10 gennaio 2012

[Live] Ringo Deathstarr / Two girls (KEXP)

Ringo Deathstarr - Two girls (live @ KEXP) (2011)


[Live] Real Estate / Easy (KEXP)

Real Estate - Easy (live @ KEXP) (2011)

Da DAYS (2011 Domino)

[Album] Cloud Nothings / Attack on memory

Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory (2012)

ATTACK ON MEMORY esce il 24/1 per Carpark Records. 

[CDG] [Video] TRUST / Bulbform

TRUST - Bulbform (2012)

Diretto da Duncan Alexander Forbes
Da TRST (esce il 28/2/2012 per Arts & Crafts)

[Video] Memory Tapes / Trance sisters

Memory Tapes  - Trance Sisters (2012)

Vera Todorova, a young Berlin-based film-maker, was given a wildly ambitious brief: to remake the George Lucas cult sci-fi debut THX1138 for not much more than the cost of a couple of flights to Berlin and back. She rose to the task, amazingly, and delivered a memorably great narrative video that starts like some contemporary newsreel footage of civil disobedience and ends up…well, shan’t spoil it, but “demented, sci-fi mind control” is not a phrase we use often. But we will. And it fits here.

Da PLAYER PIANO (2011 Carpark Recordings)

Blumzie's best of 2011/5: Best Album

Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost 
Destroyer - Kaputt

Miles Kane - Colour of the Trap
Esben and the Witch - Warpath
Cloud Nothings - Cloud Nothings
Metronomy - The English Riviera
Girls Names - Dead to me
Cold Cave - Cherish the light years
Soft Kill - An open door
Wild Beasts - Smother
Iceage - New brigade
Real Estate - Days
S.C.U.M. - Again into eyes
Tom Vek - Leisure Seizure

[Canzoni di ieri] Offlaga Disco Pax / Robespierre

Offlaga Disco Pax - Robespierre (2005)

Ho fatto l'esame di seconda elementare nel 1975. 
Il socialismo era come l'universo:in espansione. 
La maestra mi chiese di Massimiliano Robespierre. 
Le risposi che i Giacobini avevano ragione e che, 
Terrore o no la Rivoluzione Francese era stata una cosa giusta. 
La maestra non ritenne di fare altre domande. 
Ma abbiamo anche molti ricordi Di quel piccolo mondo antico fogazzaro: 
- l'astronave da trecento punti di Space Invaders 
- Enrico Berlinguer alla tv 
- le vittorie olimpiche di Alberto Juantorena 
In nome della Rivoluzione Cubana 
- i Sandinisti al potere in Nicaragua 
- il catechista che votava Pannella 
- gli amici del campetto passati dalle Marlboro 
Direttamente all'eroina alla faccia delle droghe leggere 
- i fumetti di Zora la vampira porno e la Prinz senza ritorno 
- il referendum sul divorzio e non capivamo perché 
Se vinceva il No il divorzio c'era e se vinceva il Si non c'era 
- Anna Oxa a Sanremo conciata come una punk londinese 
- i Van Halen 
- la prima sega 
- la vicina di casa, un travestito ai più noto come Lola che Mia madre chiamava Antonio con nostro sommo sbigottimento 
- Jarmila Kratochivilova 
- il Toblerone, qualcuno sa perché 
- una scritta degli ultras della Reggiana dopo il raid aereo americano su Tripoli negli anni ottanta. 
- e poi la nostra meravigliosa toponomastica: 
Via Carlo Marx 
Via Ho Chi Minh 
Via Che Guevara 
Via Dolores Ibarruri 
Via Stalingrado 
Via Maresciallo Tito 
Piazza Lenin a Cavriago 
E la grande banca non più locale con sede in 
Via Rivoluzione d'Ottobre 
- e infine il mio quartiere, dove il Partito Comunista prendeva il 74% e la Democrazia Cristiana il 6% 

Da SOCIALISMO TASCABILE (2005 Santeria/Audioglobe)

lunedì 9 gennaio 2012

Blumzie's best of 2011/4: Best track

Water Borders - Feasting on Mongeese


Puro Instinct feat. Ariel Pink - Stilyagi
Cold Cave - The great Pan is dead
Destroyer - Kaputt
Papercuts - Do you really want to know?
Pulseprogramming - First they fire
2:54 - Got a hold
Knesset - Bitter hearts
S.C.U.M. - Summon the sound
Arctic Monkeys - The hellcat spangled shalalala
Binary - Dynamo
Real Estate - It's real
Someone still loves you Boris Eltsin - Yellow missing signs
Outfit - Two islands
Girls - Vomit
Tom Vek - Aroused
Friends - I'm his girl
Blouse - Videotapes
Mozart Parties - Black Cloud
King Krule - Out getting ribs
Craft Spells - The fog rose high

[Indie for dummies] [Video] Toy / Left myself behind

Toy - Left myself behind (2012)

Left myself behind è il singolo di debutto del quintetto londinese. Esce il 23/1 per Heavenly Recordings. Video diretto da Mark Donne.

[Video] Royal Baths / Black sheep

Royal Baths - Black sheep (2012)

Da BETTER LUCK NEXT LIFE (Esce il 7/2/2012 per Kanine)

giovedì 5 gennaio 2012

[News] NME's 100 new bands for 2012

Qui si può ascoltare in streaming (Soudcloud) una canzone di ciascuna band.

[Video] Youth Lagoon / July

Youth Lagoon - July (2012)

Diretto da Tyler T. Williams

[Canzoni di ieri] [Veterani] New Order / The perfect kiss

New Order - The Perfect kiss (1985)

I stood there beside myself,
Thinking hard about the weather
Then came by a friend of mine
Suggested we go out together
Then I knew it from the start:
This friend of mine would fall apart
Pretending not to see his gun,
I said lets go out and have some fun
I know, you know, you believe in a land of love
I know, you know, we believe in a land of love

I have always thought about
Staying here and going out
Tonight I should have stayed at home,
Playing with my pleasure zone
He has always been so strange,
Id often thought he was deranged
Pretending not to see his gun,
I said lets go out and have some fun
I know, you know, we believe in a land of love
I know, you know, we believe in a land of love

When you are alone at night
You search yourself for all the things
That you believe are right
If you give it all away
You throw away your only chance to be here today
Then a fight breaks out on your street
You lose another broken heart in a land of meat
My friend, he took his final breath
Now I know the perfect kiss is the kiss of death

Da LOW LIFE (1985 Factory Records)

Blumzie's best of 2011/3: Best EP


Whirl - Distressor
Daughter - The wild youth
The Soft Moon - Total decay
King Krule - King Krule
2:54 - Scarlet

mercoledì 4 gennaio 2012

Blumzie's best of 2011/2: La meglio indie gioventù

OUTFIT (Liverpool, UK)

Theme Park
Satellite Stories
Puro Instinct
Cloud Nothings
Beach Fossils

[Video] [CDG] Stay+ feat. Psychologist / Dandelion

Stay+ feat. Psychologist - Dandelion (2011)

Following last month's "Fever", Stay+ is coming out with another single on RAMP Recordings, "Dandelion," on December 12. This time, the duo of Matt Farthing and Chris Paul, once known as Christian AIDS, aren't alone: they've enlisted Moshi Moshi's Psychologist to lend vocals for the forthcoming 10" release, the result of which is yet another banger on par with their Double Denim-released single "Young Luv". "Dandelion" will also appear on Stay +'s forthcoming EP, which is set for release this February.[#]

[Video] Oupa / It's rough (Smog cover)

Oupa - It's rough (2011)

Cover della canzone It's rough del gruppo Smog dall'album Wild Love (1995). Oupa è il progetto solista di Daniel Blumberg degli Yuck. Video di Porcelain Raft.

[Canzoni di ieri] Happy Mondays / Kinky Afro

Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro (1990)

Son, I'm 30
I only went with your mother 'cause she's dirty
And I don't have a decent bone in me
What you get is just what you see yeah
I see it so I take it freely
And all the bad piss ugly things i feed me
I never help or give to the needy
Come on and see me

I had to crucify some brother today
And I don't dig what you gotta say
So come on and say it
Come on and tell me twice

I said dad you're shabby
You run around and groove like a baggy
You're only here just out of habit
All that's mine you might as well have it
You take ten feet back and then stab it
Spray it on and 'tag it
So sack on me
I can't stand the needy
Get around here if you're asking you're feeling

I had to crucify somebody today
And I don't dig what you gotta say
So come on and say it
Come on and tell me twice

So sack all the needy
I can't stand to leave it
You come around here and you put both your feet in

I had to crucify somebody today
And I don't dig what you gotta say
So go on and say it

I had to crucify some brother today
And I don't hear what you gotta say
So come on and say it
Come on and tell me twice

Da PILLS 'N' THRILLS AND BELLYACHES (1990 Factory Records) 

martedì 3 gennaio 2012

Blumzie's best of 2011/1: Best video

(diretto da Megaforce)

Jogger - Nephicide
PS I love you - Get over
Colourmusic - Tog
Frog eyes - The sensitive girls
Diamond Rings - It's not my party
Holy Ghost - Wait and see
Fair Ohs - Everything is dancing
The Decemberists - Calamity Song
UNKLE feat. Nick Cave - Money and run
Battles - My machines
Duck Sauce - Big bad wolf (NSFW)
Major Lazer - Original Don
No Age - Inflorescence
La Shark - Magazine cover

lunedì 2 gennaio 2012

[Live] The Maccabees / Feel to follow

The Maccabees - Feel to follow/Lego live at Trinity Centre Bristol (2011)

Da GIVEN TO THE WILD (esce il 9/1/2012 per Fierce Panda)

[CDG] [Cover] [Veterani] [canzoni di ieri] Destroyer / Leave me alone

Destroyer - Leave me alone (New Order cover) (2012)

Compilation di cover allegata all'ultimo numero di Mojo.

01 The Golden Filter – “Age of Consent”
02 Tarwater – “We All Stand”
03 Errors – “The Village”
04 S.C.U.M. – “586″
05 Fujiya & Miyagi – “Your Silent Face”
06 Seekae – “Ultraviolence”
07 Walls – “Ecstasy”
08 Destroyer – “Leave Me Alone”
09 Biosphere – “Blue Monday”
10 Zombie Zombie – “The Beach”
11 Lonelady – “Cries & Whispers”
12 Anothers Blood – “Lonesome Tonight”
13 K-X-P – “Murder”

[Video] Handsome Furs / What about us (NSFW)

Handsome Furs - What about us (NSFW) (2011)

Diretto da Scott Coffey
Da SOUND CAPITAL (2011 Sub Pop)

domenica 1 gennaio 2012

[CDG] The Maccabees / Pelican

The Maccabees - Pelican (2012)

Il primo singolo tratto dal nuovo album dei Maccabees, Given to the wild, esce oggi.